SIMATIC WinCC Unified Audit Basis V18 License key

SIMATIC WinCC Unified Audit Basis V18 License key on USB flash drive

SIMATIC WinCC Unified V18 Audit Basis; option for WinCC Unified, runtime software, single license without software and documentation; license key on USB flash drive; class A; ******************************* content: 1x USB Documentation of operator actions. The "Audit Basis" option supports the tracing of operator actions for quality assurance and documentation when changing process values. The data relevant to the Audit Trail are recorded in a protected log and can be made available in the form of a report, if required.
Dostupnost: Není skladem
Objednací číslo: 6AV2157-0BL01-8AB0
Poptat produkt   ks   Poptat 
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Integrovatelné do inženýrského softwaru automat.systémuAno
Možné skupiny uživatelů (ochrana heslem).Ne

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