SIMATIC WinCC Unified Parameter Control V18

SIMATIC WinCC Unified Parameter Control V18

SIMATIC WinCC Unified V18 Parameter Control Unified PC, option for WinCC Unified PC, runtime software, single license without software and documentation; license key on USB flash drive; class A; ******************************* content: 1x USB Working with recipes. Machine or production parameter sets are easy to manage with the "Parameter Control" option (integrated in Unified Comfort Panels). Parameter structures are defined on the basis of user data types (UDTs) from the PLC. Synchronization of the parameter sets between PLC and HMI takes place via the user interface or can be automated.
Dostupnost: Není skladem
Objednací číslo: 6AV2154-0BP01-8AB0
Poptat produkt   ks   Poptat 
S programovacím rozhranímNe
Integrovatelné do inženýrského softwaru automat.systémuAno
Možné skupiny uživatelů (ochrana heslem).Ne

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