SIMATIC WinCC Unified Monitor client

SIMATIC WinCC Unified Monitor client

SIMATIC Unified Comfort Panel, 1 monitor client, option for Unified Comfort, runtime software, single license without software and documentation; only Certificate of License class A; ******************************* Web-based remote access. Each HMI Unified Comfort Panel supports two integrated web clients (1x Monitor / 1x Operate). This means that remote access can be used for operator control and monitoring at no additional cost. If required, the number of clients can be expanded to a maximum of 3 in total.
Dostupnost: Není skladem
Objednací číslo: 6AV2151-1JM00-0AB0
Poptat produkt   ks   Poptat 
S programovacím rozhranímNe
Integrovatelné do inženýrského softwaru automat.systémuAno
Možné skupiny uživatelů (ochrana heslem).Ne

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